Thursday, October 14, 2010

Your mobile and handbag are dirtier than

DOES your handbag harbour horrible visitors? Or could your lippy be laced with the lurgy? Scientists last week warned against eating raw bean sprouts after they were linked to at least 141 cases of salmonella. But it's not just food you need to be wary of. While most bugs are harmless - and some essential for good health - dangerous bacteria can be found in everyday items. Here MATTHEW BARBOUR reveals the weirdest places you are likely to find bad bugs - and what you can do to protect yourself.

THAT Gucci bag can be germ heaven for millions of critters.

Bugs attach themselves to your handbag through your everyday activities, such as plonking it on the pavement, shoving it under a table, and it being regularly splattered with all kinds of nasty substances.

Experts warn particularly against putting your handbag on kitchen surfaces or areas where food is prepared.

This is because it will transfer the bugs from the bottom of your handbag - which may have been on the floor - straight on to the surface.

They also recommend giving the outside of your handbag a regular wipe down and every month clearing out the rubbish and crumbs from inside it.


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